Nowdays, people in whole world are talking about Dubai World’s finance that fail in sukuk. Many foreign workers who work in Dubai leave this luxurious city back to their country or try to find another country, still….for dollars.
Dubai is a city with full of luxury goods, such as cars, buildings, etc. We can find any brands and type of cars and any property’s style in this city. Before today, money talks in this city. Perhaps you’re a boss in your country or a diplomat, in here you are nothing without money. There’s no diplomatic immune here.
But now, the impact of Dubai world’s financial crisis brings many changes. We, asian, are equal with others and can have taxi as easy as European or American. Because the condition flips over now, Dubai need money in any cent.
Many workers, include asian workers, are fired from their works, it’s because the company can’t pay for.
It’s a lucky for us (I and my friends) visit Dubai in this situation, because we can enter the Burj Ar Arab, the most extravagant hotel with 18 tons of 18carat Gold just for sightseeing and take many pictures in it. Soooo Lucky!!! Thanks to our friends Mr. Agung and Mr. Am in Dubai.
I admit that we have a nice journey in Dubai…
From Dubai, Mr. Am drive us to Abu Dhabi for next duty. Hope will find other great experiences there.